Yoga Therapy for Insomnia


Yoga Therapy for Insomnia


Taught by: Sonja

Please read terms & conditions before booking.

Dates: TBC (4 week course)

* if you would prefer to not pay by credit card, please email and we will send you details for direct debit

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4 week Yogatherapy for Insomnia: 1.25 hours per week.

Many of us have a busy and racing mind and may have trouble going to sleep, staying asleep or waking too early. This can cause anxiety and fatigue, adding to stress and can have long term consequences of our mental and physical well-being.

This course will help guide you into a regular short Yoga Therapy practice that includes the use of mindfulness, movements, breath work and visualisations which together can calm the mind and the nervous system, sending you to bed in a more relaxed state. The skills you learn with regular practice can then be drawn upon to help you get back to sleep if you wake in the night.

You will also be shown how to boost your energy in the morning and throughout the day with some short routines involving movement and special breathing practices. You will receive useful, written information and some beautiful stick figure drawings so you can bring these practices easily into your daily routine.

This course will be offered 2-3 times during 2016, so check dates on website carefully.