Yin Yoga (4 week term)
Yin Yoga (4 week term)
Taught by: Kerry
Please read terms & conditions before booking.
(Term 1, 2020). If the term has already started please email me as you can start in the middle of the term and pay pro rata.
* if you would prefer to not pay by credit card, please email info@yogaplusphysio.com and we will send you details for direct debit
Yin yoga works with the deeper tissues within the body; deep fascial networks, joints and ligaments. It is a
yielding, allowing and nourishing practice that works by encouraging gentle releasing for extended periods
of time. Props such as bolsters and blankets can be used to support the body in these longer holds.
Exercising the tissues in this way helps to regain space and openness in the joints. With encouragement to
practice mindfully Yin yoga can also help to reduce stress. A yin activity is based on finding stillness and
cooling the body