4 Week Mindfulness Meditation Course


4 Week Mindfulness Meditation Course


Taught by: Sonja

Please read terms & conditions before booking.

Dates: Starts Tuesday 6th March, 7.30 - 8.45pm (4 week course)

* if you would prefer to not pay by credit card, please email info@yogaplusphysio.com and we will send you details for direct debit

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In this course we will explore mindfulness practices, including informal and formal mindfulness meditation, self-compassion and some more structured meditation practices. We will also discuss some of the roadblocks to regular meditation practice and what you can do about them.we usually have some interesting group discussion and enjoy the lovely support of others who are on the same journey. Don’t worry if you are shy, there is never any pressure. Mindfulness meditation is a process of training of “awareness”.